Monday, July 9, 2018

Cygnar List Experiments: Stryker 1 in Storm Division - Part 2

So, I managed to get one game in against Trollbloods  last Saturday. The opponent was using Borka 2 in the theme "Power of Dhunia" using mostly light warbeasts. I lost that game but I did get a feel for the list.

The list actually feels very similar to my "Storm Surge" list. It does the exact same thing more or less, it just moves forward regardless of the opponent. The Sword Knight's speed in the Surge list is replaced by the advanced moving Storm Blades. The blades may not have the high DEF in melee that the Sword Knight do, but the stacking of all the ARM buff they can have in a turn make them just as annoying to deal with.

There are also noticeable differences, this list looses it's fast flanking ranged attacks. Instead the list relies on the electrical bounces to try and take out support solos/units.

I actually failed to test my initial plan with the list of juggling "Snipe" between the Stormwall and the Storm Strider. It was entirely my fault as I moved my lancer too far forward, without it I can't juggle the buff.

That's it, I know this is a very short post and that is expected since I only got one game in and its too early to tell if the list is viable. I'll try to get another game or two in this week to give you more insight into the list.

As usual, if you guys have questions or comments just let me know. Thanks for reading, until next week.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Cygnar List Experiments: Stryker 1 in Storm Division - Part 1

Hi guys, today I want to try something new. You may notice that I only post list breakdowns on lists that I have played enough to be confident in discussing its strengths and weaknesses. The reason for that is that in my experience, what should work in theory does not always translate properly into practice. The game has a lot of variables that are outside of the control of the players. Who your opponent is, the layout of the table, the objectives and mostly the dice rolls. These are all variables that can change how a list performs. These are the reasons I choose to play multiple games with a list in as many of different combinations of these variables as I can before rendering my assessment of a list. That is until today.

Today I will share with you a list that I have not played in a single game. I will share with you my “theories” on what the list is supposed to answer and ask. I will then play the list in as many games in as many combinations of variables as I can, with me writing about each set of games I played. This will continue until I feel that I have a firm grasp of what the list is truly like. I will then write my concluding thoughts on the list. So, let’s dive right in then.

Cygnar Army - 73 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division

[Stryker 1] Commander Coleman Stryker [+30]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Lancer [10]
 - Stormwall [39]
 - Squire [0(5)]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord [4]
Stormblade Infantry [10]
 - Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard [0(5)]
 - Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3) [6]
Storm Strider [18]

This list was born out of the results of my games using my Maddox in Storm Division list which I have named "Raging Storm". That list gave me a good grasp of the synergy and the offensive capabilities of the Storm Division theme. Mainly the flexibility of being able to attack from range or at melee. I wanted to capture that flexibility but shift the focus of the list from offense to defense. Stryker 1 raises the defensive capabilities of the list by a huge margin. I replaced most of the jacks with Stormwall since in my "Storm Surge" list Stormwall plays a major part in the list's objective game and under the support of Stryker 1 is very difficult to take out. I placed the Lancer instead of a second Firefly because unlike Maddox, Stryker 1 has a spell worth arcing and with 2 very good tragets for "Snipe" I plan on juggling it between the Stormwall and the Storm Strider. The loss of the Swordknights's speed is something I see that can be compensated for by the theme benefit for the Stormblades.  Overall I'm thinking the list will be able to answer most of what the things my previous lists can answer. It will still have a weakness to stealth and incorporeal, it won't have the breaking power of Maddox list. Combined with Stryker 1's deffensive buffs I am hoping that the list will have a good attrition game.

That will be it for this list for now. I will be playing this list when I can, so I hope to update you on the results and my first field impressions of the list when I can. What are your opinions of this untested list? Let me know, I do welcome discussions about Cygnar related stuff.