Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hello folks,

This post will not be Warmachine related, so I'll have to say sorry for that...

This post is instead intended to inform people of an important issue that is happening in the country where I live... The Philippines, so if you have no concern with for us or simply don't wish to concern your self with us then again sorry and please just skip this post...

Without going into much detail, there's a law that has been passed here... Its called the "anti cyber crimes law"... Now before you all get on about how cyber crimes is bad I will agree with you that it is, most of the law does a good job of stopping cyber crime. There is just one part of that law that we all have a problem with, the part in where if you like, share or even comment something that another person does not like even if true... They can throw you in jail for a up to 12 years for "libel"

So, the reason my current blog is all black is our way of showing support for revision of this law to take out libel clause from the law...

I will be back to post my regular updates on Saturday, if I haven't been arrested yet under this said law <_<

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