Sunday, June 17, 2018

List Discussion: Maddox in Storm Division

I'm finally ready to talk about a list for this week! The last list I talked about was Maddox in my Stryker 1 list, in that post I talked about eventually using what I learned from that list to try and build Maddox a list fit for her. This is the list came out:

Raging Storm

Cygnar Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division

[Maddox 1] Major Beth Maddox [+30]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Ironclad [12]
 - Ironclad [12]
 - Stormclad [18]
 - Squire [0(5)]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord [4]
Stormblade Infantry [10]
 - Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard [0(5)]
 - Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3) [6]
Storm Strider [18]

Let start talking about this list then, we'll start with what the list answers. This list can answer infantry both high DEF or high ARM. High DEF infantry can be shot by the Storm Strider and Fireflies being able to boost your hit roll via focus and power tokens for the Strider. These models all have "Lightning Generator" meaning that for each hit on a model you can have D3 additional models suffer a POW 10. High ARM infantry can be dealt with by the Stormblades and the Strider which can use its power token to boost its damage roll instead of its hit roll. The lightning generator from these shot can't be boosted, however having a Firefly within 5" of the models hit by the lightning generator will will give your damage roll a +2. The list however excels at taking out jacks, especially on feat turn. The  Stormclad can take down almost any jack when fully loaded with focus under the upkeep "Assail", being able to land a total of 4 POW 19 (one being a charge) and a POW 14 melee attack. This is without acounting for the "Assault" shot which is also a POW 14, POW 16 if teh target is within 5" of a Firefly can break almost any jack on its own. The 2 Ironcalds can focus on a single target to achieve a similar effect when both are loaded with focus. On Maddox's feat however, this cranks up to just insane levels. POW 22 on the Stormclad's melee attack and POW 21 on the Ironclads, if you can manage to load these jacks with focus and very very little can stand up to the beating. It makes the POW 18 that the Stormblade can achieve almost not worth mentioning, almost.

Unlike in my past lists, this one asks your opponent not one big question but multiple smaller questions. How do you deal with a potential ranged assassination with a Strider with "Snipe"? How do you deal with the Stormblades that can move a total of 15" for the first turn? How do you deal with the beat stick jacks? How do you deal with Maddox's feat?

Overall the list plays very differently from not just Stryker but even from Maddox using Stryker's list. The list very aggressive in where Stryker 1 would surge his army forward because he knows that he can keep them alive. Maddox moves her army forward knowing full well that she will take casualties, but whoever will avenge their fallen comrades empowered by Maddox's feat. I like this list, it play so differently than what I normally play. I plan to keep playing this list until such time that I have the same level of competency on it as I do with my Stryker 1 (Storm Surge) list.

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