Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paint the Target Submission: Rhupert Carvolo

Its been a while since I last submitted an entry for PTT. This month's target was any non-warjack, non-grunt model. This means solos, warcasters and unit attachments. Like most of my entries I decided to paint Carvolo because I was going to anyway at a later date (read: 6 months from now to never), PTT just gave me the nudge I needed to get my lazy painter ass moving. Unlike my other recent paint jobs, I actually took time and effort to paint Carvolo. This is PTT after all and who would not want to submit their best work for the whole internet to see? So, for this post I will take you step by step on each section I painted after the break.

First thing you'll note is that I painted him before final assembly. 

I painted all the flesh first using Midlund Flesh

I then toned down Flesh Wash with water an applied on the flesh as glaze.

Next up would be the shirt. I used Bastion Grey for the base coat,thinned down Armor Wash and glazed it over to create shades. I then re-applied Bastion Grey for highlights.

Pants were painted in a base of Traitor Green. I used the same thinned Armor Wash for shade and re-applied base color for highlight method used for the pants.
The bagpipes were next. I mixed Cygnus Yellow and Gun Corp Brown. I mixed a dot of Battlefield Brown for shading, and a dot of Cygnus Yellow for highlight.  

I used Battlefield Brown for my pipes base coat, I then mixed thinned Armor Wash in and applied it to the pipes. Once the wash dried, I then re-applied Battlefield Brown as highlight.

 The engravings and the metal rings were painted via dry brush of Solid Gold.

The arm armor was painted with a base of Cold Steel, I then applied thinned down Armor Wash to create shades. Once the wash was dried I then applied dots of Quick Silver on the spike tips and on the raised edges of the elbow armor for highlight.

The sash was base coated with Khador Red Base, washed with thinned down Armor Wash and then highlighted with Khador Red Base. The buttons on his shirt was painted with Solid Gold.

The straps and belt were pained with Gun Corp Brown base, washed with thinned Armor Wash and then highlighted with Gun Corp Brown.

The left arm was painted separately, I used the same technique on the left hand's flesh as for the rest of his body.

The blowpipe was painted a base of Battlefield Brown only. The metals of the blowpipe had a base of a Battlefield Brown mixed with a dot of Khador Red Base. The Solid Gold was then painted over once dry.

The metal armor was done in the same way as the armor.

Once I attached the left arm, I repainted over the connection with Thamar Black. Once dried I painted over the final flesh color same with the hand. 

The sword was also painted before attachment, the scabbard has a base of Battlefield Brown only. The silver parts are based with Quick Silver only. The gold of the sword itself was done using the same way as the blowpipe metals.

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