Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gamer Essentials: Dice Lore

"You do not choose the dice, the dice choose you..."

Dice is an essential part of the game, it can give you victory or deny it to you. It is for this reason that one must understand the dice in order so you may rely on it during your times of need. Those who do so can call themselves the master of certain dice. This post will tackle little know and understood world of dice lore.

We shall begin with the basics, what is it that makes a dice. The modern day dice is made of two parts, the shell and the core. The shell is often made out of plastic, some from metal. The exact material of the shell affects the behavior of the dice. Plastic dice are more playful and can often attempt to run away from you after making a roll. Metal dice are more serious and will often stay where they land. The shape of the edges of the dice also need to be understood. Rounded edges make a dice more fickle at times turning a good roll into a bad one for no reason, the odd effect is that they can also turn bad rolls into spectacular ones just as easily. Straight edges have a more set mind, what comes is what they will give. The actual size and color of the dice, despite what people say have little effect on the roll. The size and color are some of the few things a gamer can personalize on his dice.

The second part of the dice is the core, this is where the magic is. There are several types of dice core, there are cores made from melted dice, the essence of munchkins and the rarest of all the bones of  legendary geek.

Melted dice core are the most common, they often come from abandoned dice or dice that were lost and never found. This makes dice with this type of core eager to prove their worth as to never be abandoned or lost again. There are however rare instance where the melted dice core was once a dice with a melted dice core who was a dice with a melted dice core. This string of abandonment can make a dice jaded and would instead want to just defy its gamer. Gamers who can make these dice their master however wield a great deal of sway over the game.

Dice cores made from the essence of a munchkin are uncommon, the reason for this is the source of the core is not easy to find. When a munchkin realizes that he/she is a munchkin and makes an effort to stop being a munchkin and actually succeeds, a stone that holds his munchkinisim forms somewhere around world. Only a few of there are found and turned into dice core. Dice with cores of this material are very competitive and will frown upon gamers who do not play to win.

The most sought after dice core is the one made of the bones of a legendary geek. These are extremely rare, as few geeks ever reach the state of legendary. These dice cores often favor the gamers who play for the spirit of the game.

There is no way to know what core your dice have, only after purchasing and playing with them for some time can you make a guess. Lucky for gamers, no matter what the dice core is you can become its master.

You need to know how to treat your dice for it to choose you as its master. Each dice have their own personality. Some need understanding, other need to be threatened other will simply not accept a master. I hope that the information I shared with you about dice shells and core you can find the personality of your dice to help you become its master. You will encounter dice who you can not please, in these cases it may be better to find it a new master. The dice that do recognize you as master must be well taken care off as they will become you key to victory.

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