Saturday, March 17, 2012

Painting Attempts: Lancer Reboot

Hello again, this week my reboot model is the Lancer. Now this reboot is a little bit more different than the last ones. This reboot paint job involved painting certain parts before the final assembly. The reason one would to this is to ease the painting of area near impossible to reach if you don't paint before the final assembly. The parts that I painted before final assembly would be the shield and the entire spear arm.

Here's what the old lancer looked like

Here's what it looks like now

Here's what I did.

Black, Spray

Steel Parts:
Drybrush cold steel.

Blue Armor Parts:
Started with a base coat of cygnar blue base. A dot of exile blue for the shade, this time I used cygnar blue highlight mixed with the base color for highlights. (LGS finally had stock of cygnar blue highlight)

Gold Armor Plates:
Base coat of solid gold. Didn't dull the color this time since there's less gold in this model so I wanted what gold I had to pop out.

Eyes & Arc Node Glow:
Arcane blue using very precise brush strokes.

There we go, even simpler than my last explanation. I'll just remind folks that you should always thin your paint down. Another reminder is that you should dry fit your models(using blue tac to assemble them) to see what pose you'd like to give your miniature and be able to see where you'll have difficulty painting. This will allow you to determine what parts to assemble and what parts to paint before you assemble.

Next week I'll be featuring the next reboot model, the Charger.

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