Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tactical Talks: Balance Lists

Hello folks,

I don't know if I've ever talked about this topic, and since I have no update with regards to painting today...

I'll talk about it now...

What is a balanced list? How do you make one? Can Cygnar make one?

All of these will be answered after the break...

What is a balanced list?

Simply put a balanced list is an army list that are built to reduce the number of bad match ups. A simple example of this when a player brings a Cain2 gun line list, then get paired up against a Terminus list or a Barnabas list. Where as a list that has both melee components and ranged components won't be as hard pressed as the Cain2 list.

Now, balanced lists are not the end all be all kind of lists in Warmachine/Hordes. They do have one weakness, that being the lack of focus. A list that is dedicated to attrition for example will always out attrition a balanced list. A list build for pure assassination will always be better at assassination than a balanced list. That being said, using a balanced list boils down to the question of "Do I want a combat knife or a swiss army knife?". A balanced list is a list that gives you multiple tools to use, compared to a list that is focused.

How do I make one?

To make a balance list you start by knowing the tools you will need. The most basic are:

  • You will need a melee component
  • You will need a range component
  • You will need magical weapons other than you caster's
    • If your fact does not have magical weapons, a means to give magical weapons will do
  • You will need a way to hold objectives
  • You will need a fast unit
  • You will need a way to break a colossal or render it harmless
Now, I'm sure you'll notice that it may be impossible to get all of these in certain pointages. You're right, I actually only build balance lists starting at 50 points. Next you'll be asking is why do you need these components? 

There are things that can effectively neutralize melee and and ranged attacks, Saeryn's feat is the first thing that comes into my mind for melee, Barnabas for ranged. Having components that can do ranged and melee attacks will make sure you're not completely helpless against such things.

Certain things in the game can not be targeted or damaged unless by magical weapons or spells. Incorporeal models are at the top this list. Though not all armies pack such models, again it is better to be prepared than be caught with your pants do so to speak.

Objective victories may not happen as often as assassination victories, but the do happen. Having models that can contest an objective and prevent scoring by the opponent from them for a turn or two will ensure that your opponent won't go unchallenged in the objective game. Having a huge based model can also help in this department, as some lists have the ability to move models around to gain objective wins.

Fast models allow you to counter the enemy's fast units or put pressure on you opponent's flanks. They can also help you split your enemy's army up. Flanking with say a cavalry unit will force your enemy to allocate models to intercept them, if they don't then you'll have a unit free to get behind the lines.

With the release of colossals and gargantuans, they change the dynamics of the game. Being unmovable outside their turn and having so many damage boxes make them some of the best objective holders. The fire power they have in both range and melee also mean that they are viable threats in their own right. The fact that they can be repaired/healed means that trying to take them out over a few turn may be inefficient. You'll need to find a way to break them in a turn the case of them being used as objective holders, or render them inefficient in terms of their firepower when being used as weapon platforms.

Can Cygnar Make One?

Yes we can. Here's a sample of one of my most used balanced list:

Points: 50/50
Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Storm Lances (Leader and 2 Grunts) (7pts)
Sword Knights (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Major Katherine Laddermore (5pts)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)

Here's a break down of what model provide what tools:

Melee: Sword Knights, Storm Lance, Laddermore, Stormwall, Lancer,
Ranged: ATGM, Stormwall, Storm Lance, Laddermore
Magical Weapon: ATGM
Objective Holder: Sword Knights, Stormwall
Anti-Colossal: Stromwall

So, do you also build balanced lists? If you don't why not? I'd like to hear other people's opinion about it. Just leave a comment below.

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